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ClassicGamingWizzz said:
No way nintendo will release a new console next year.

Their handhelds are basically consoles. It's not like they can release a handheld and use 1/10th the resources anymore, Nintendo handhelds now require a "real" 3D Mario, a "real" Smash Brothers, a "real" Mario Kart, gone are the days when they could release a 12-year-old port of Super Mario Bros. 2 and call it a day.

The next Nintendo portable will have a "real" 3D Zelda and Splatoon too, so basically it requires the same development focus that a Nintendo console would. 

So even in the "well they can release the portable in 2016, but console in 2017" ... I say ... so what? There would be no difference, they'll ditch all/most Wii U development, just like 3DS basically killed all Wii development. You can't just launch a portable nowadays with just minimal resources, so when ever the portable NX launches, that's basically where all their focus will be.