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bigtakilla said:
Soundwave said:

Sorry but Mario Kart 8 came out a long time ago. Zelda is not actually (despite all the hooting and hollering on message boards) one of Nintendo's top 3 selling franchises. Hasn't been for a long time either. 

It's quite likely if Zelda U if Wii U only it will be the lowest selling entry in the franchise. Which will probably sting because it's likely also the most expensive Zelda game ever made (HD graphics with that scope). 

It would easily sell 2x as much if it got the Twilight Princess treatment and could be a dual launch title for the NX. But hey, lets cripple its sales because some petty kids need to have it be exclusive and need to lock out probably 60% of its potential audience. That's a smart way to do business. 

I'll bet the Zelda U will have the biggest first week of any Wii U game. *Edit* Granted only if it is exclusive.

Yeah and then what?

It'll drop like a rock in week 2. It won't be one of the top three selling games for the system and likely won't sell anywhere near what Nintendo would want for a game of its budget (5 year dev cycle, HD graphics, large open world) if its only on Wii U. 

That opening would be bigger if it was a launch title for the NX. But hurrah for lower sales I guess.