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Non Non Biyori will be missed. It was my weekly dose of happy. Both seasons were excellent.

The new anime I followed this season were:

Wakaba Girl - very cute and endearing.
Joukamachi no Dandelion - Not bad, not great.
Classroom Crisis - Quite surprised and pleased with how different this turned out. Not what I expected.
Shimoneta - Interesting. Got a little annoying at times but it had an awesome twist.
Rokka - I enjoyed it. It was different from the battle anime I expected, which was nice.
Sore ga Seiyuu - Nice and enjoyable.
Overlord - Kind of strange, kind of interesting. I can't even tell if I like it yet.
Monster Musume - Not really that good but I liked some of the characters. I'm pro-centaur.
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime - Really nice heroine. A bit preachy but still relaxing.
Jitsu wa Watashi wa - Best new comedy by far.

Continued to follow:
Cinderella Girls - Quite good.
Gintama - Absolutely hilarious.
Miss Monochrome - Peachy.
Working - YAMADA.
One Piece - Awesome.
Kyoukai no Rinne - It's relaxing and I love the heroine.

God Eater - It's not even bad, I just lost interest somewhere. Might watch later on.
GATE - I've read a lot of the manga but, honestly, it has a lot of problems, such as being an ad for the JSDF.
Prison School - Read a lot of the manga and there are things that I hate about it.
Charlotte - I can't stand writing where the author doesn't care if anything makes sense.
Aoharu x Kikanjuu - It was okay, might pick it back up.
Ushio to Tora - It was so ... standard. Might try again later.
Himouto Umaru Chan - I loathe Umaru.
Ranpo Kitan - Lost track somehow, might pick it back up.

Also, I've dropped Fairy Tail. Again. I want to like it. I like several of the side-characters. But, really, the show itself sucks. The writing isn't very good, the battles are disappointing and predictable, I hate Natsu so much, and I'm struggling not to hate Lucy.