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Ka-pi96 said:
Mostly agree with him

Disagree on the Nintendo = toy company though. They really don't do that much in the way of toys, the only ones they do are usually just merchandise for the game franchises anyways. To me Nintendo are first and foremost a gaming company, just like EA, Sega, Activision etc.

It's actually pretty true. Maybe not necessarily in terms of technicality, but certainly in perception (and we all know perception is reality). Xbox and PS are seen as gaming consoles, where as Nintendo systems are largely looked at as being for children. And if it's considered to be a child's play thing then naturally people see it as a toy more than anything else. That's aside from the fact that any pure game console could easily be considered a toy anyway. Sony and MS are making all around entertainment systems so they kinda fall out of that category, but Nintendo still really just does games.


Edit: Also, that's some quite selective quoting OP