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Basically what the title says.

We now know Nintendo Directs WILL continue (THANK YOUUUUU) but now the question is, especially since Iwata is not directing (pun intended) them, will they show Zelda U in the next one? Or wait for a big event like The Game Awards? Similar to last year?

I think they will open the next direct with Zelda U. The footage at The Game Awards 2014 was a world premiere of gameplay. I feel like it was just a one time thing that Nintendo will do. So I just personally have a gut feeling they will show the next direct with Zelda, especially since Iwata isn't there (RIP <3).

I think we will have a direct in October. Mid-ish. Before the release of Yoshi (US) and Fatal Frame. We will get news of Fatal Frame V becoming physical(US) due to Operation Rainfall and numerous amounts of fans calling Nintendo about it, which Nintendo started taking notes on btw. 


Either way, what do you guys think?

EDIT: I FORGOT that October 1st is also when the Smash Ballot ends. And I am pretty sure Sakurai has been on work with new characters months before now. So I think they will also show a new character soon. Mid october would be perfect for that.

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