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Dr. Henry Killinger is a mysterious figure dressed in a black doctor's uniform and accompanied by a medical bag that he affectionately calls his "Magic Murder Bag". Killinger's Modus Operandi is to show up out of the sky and use his uncanny organizational skills to help others. His motivations remain suspiciously ambiguous.

The doctor first appeared to help The Monarch whip the Horde into shape. He was shown to be very insightful and quickly became The Monarch's second in command. By the end he had brought Dr. Girlfriend and The Monarch back together.

He later married The Monarch and Dr. Girlfriend, wished them the best of luck, and fled the wedding in order to escape the assault Phantom Limb had organized.

By using an Oni demon, who seems to be in his employ, he attempted to reunite Dr. Venture with former bodyguard Myra Brandish. Though he failed in this task, he took comfort in the fact that the Oni's actions saved Hank and Dean's lives.

Dr. Killinger later came to Dr. Venture's aide and helped make Venture Industries once again into a booming business. The only catch was that in order to do so Rusty had unknowingly become a villain.

The Magic Murder Bag is a tool used by Dr. Henry Killinger, possessing magical power that rivals that of Dr. Byron Orpheus. The full extent of the bag's power is unknown, but it has been used by Dr. Killinger to instantly disintegrate union leaders at the Venture Compound


I don't think it would be fair to you if we fought, but then again I don't care ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank