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Welcome to gamrTalk!


In today's interview, I will be taking the questions posed by you (yes, you!) and presenting them to one of the all-time great VGC users, Smeags. If you want to know more about Japanese mythology, Smeags' secret desires and also what VGC means to him, then read on!





So, this is the first interview we've had for

Well let's see how we go

From this point I'll just copy paste everything and then just do the formatting after. Nothing will be removed and the only additions will be the names of the people who asked the question
Are you OK with that?
Henshin a gogo baby.
So the idea is that I will be asking a few questions; some silly, some serious and some downright crazy to try and give the good people of VGC a bit of a better idea into one of its best and most loved members
Well first off, I'm not sure how you found me in person, especially here at the Bed Bath and Beyond parking lot. But sure, that sounds fun. My name is Patrick McNamara, known as Smeags 'round the internet. I'm currently dealing with my breakdown following my forced removal... er... personal choice to step down from the Head Mod position.
Yeah I saw on the news. Terrible tragedy that was
I think you should just go take it back by force. I mean, it's only fair right
The key is listening to The Fragrance of Dark Coffee. Soothes the soul.
Ooh I so need to play that game again.
And no Cone, I haven't finished Dual Destinies yet!
Even though it was only a few months ago that I last played it. Should probably get the 3DS edition
Alright interview over. I'm done
It does seem like you've taken a leaf out of my book by going for the dog avatar though
Mai? Well she's a five year old Shiba Inu (red colored). Her favorite past times are eating treats and encouraging me to ban everyone.
Seems like we have quite a bit in common then :P
Why Mai? It's quite the interesting name don't you think?
Well, as Shibas are a Japanese dog, I wanted to give her a name that suited her heritage. Mai means "dance" in Japanese. Although to be truthful, if I had gotten a boy I would have named him Todd from "The Fox and the Hound".
You know I never knew that. Pretty cool though!
You'll need to take a video of her dancing now after you've said that
The more you know. *rainbow appears*
No escape!
So why don't we move onto VGC for a little while? *groans*
So it begins.
There's been an awful lot of great (and the odd not-so-great) user on the site, but who is the one whom you miss the most?
And I stress "one". I'll not tolerate any wishy washy answers!
Khuutra for sure. Back in the day, Khuutra, NoName2200, OyvOyvOyv (I hear he was transformed into a fruit), and myself formed a group that was feared, respected, and above all else, lusted over. Miss the guy. *salutes*
(Close second place goes to Kasz216, he's somewhere out there... playing Civ)
Heh yeah always see it pop up on Steam :P
Never really knew Khuutra but noone has a bad word to say about him. We all miss you!
Khuutie come back! COME BACK! *sobs in Cone's arms*
I'm over it.
Aww it'll be alright Smeags.
Oh that was quick. Excellent!
Let's carry on then
Now back then, way before you became a mod, you were a writer and you did the VGComics which is what I remember you for.really.
We all love these so, is there anything in the pipeline right now?
VGComicz was just a way for me to comprehend the craziness that is the gamrConnect Community. I enjoyed seeing the characters and shenanigans that made up this community and making a story out of it. As for future comics, I never rule it out. Being a mod makes it a bit harder since poking fun at situations or folks is seen as a bit... unbecoming. *laughs* But I figure that us all laughing together is usually worth it.
Ha yeah, your last couple of comments have definitely been interesting that's for sure
Ofcourse now you aren't a head mod, we hope that you will be more up for your usual antics and to engage with the community even more! I assume you are planning on sticking around, then?
At least, for the foreseeable future
Is this thing on?
(Internet troubles gimmie a minute)
This is what you get for hosting this interview in a car park. I choose the venue next time
As long as I can log in and witness the greatness that is Nikkom and his posts, VGChartz will be my home.
That's what we want to hear!
*winks at Nikkom*
Huh? Oh. Yeah.
So you were head mod for a while. A pretty great one, at that
However we all have regrets and fears, so what is your biggest regret as a head mod?
Biggest regret was how I myself couldn't implement the changes that I really wanted for the site as far as actual site functionality goes. There are a bunch of ideas in the ol' noggin, but the site itself can't support a fully fledged coding team to implement those ideas to bring VGChartz into the modern era. Right now we're relying on TruckOSaurus (and formerly Tachikoma), who is giving up his own time, energy, and effort to do as much as he can on limited time (let him know how much you appreciate his dedication guys, he's awesome)
Yeah the work that Trucks, Tachi and everyone else put into the site is great
Without the community we would have nothing after all!
There's still a ways to go though! But I have hope that with the amount of people who really care about this place, we'll see it through.
I agree. It will all work out I'm sure!
On something a little bit more upbeat, what's your favourite game/console?
Favorite game is Super Mario Galaxy 2. It is utterly sublime and a true joy to play. I'd say more but I have to save my gushing for a certain thread later this year. Favorite console... I'd have to say it's the Wii. Looking back on it, it operated such a unique space in the gaming world. And with all the amazing gaming memories I have of it... I gotta say that it's my favorite!
So does that mean your favourite console is the Wii, then?
*nods vigorously*
You think the Wii U could take that position?
Well I'm playing the heck outta Super Mario Maker right now, and the console has delivered the expected masterpieces (Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros. For Wii U, etc.) and has also opened up my gaming world with some wonderful surprises (Bayonetta 2, Child of Light, Splatoon), I'm not sure it can top the gaming heights that the Wii provided. We still have a ways to go though, and certain game by the name of XenoBlade Chronicles X is coming out.
Ugh you know you shouldn't really mention XCX around me...only a few more months Smeags! We can make it!
December 2nd (I'm not counting down).
Ofcourse not :P
So we're getting pretty close to the end now of the interview, so I guess a good question is what is your all time favourite thread on VGC?
Pfffbbbbt. From seven years of being on this site, and countless threads... you want me to pick one?!
Yes. Yes I do
So be it, Jedi.
I hate to too my own horn, but I have to say that I love November 12th of every year because that's when we start "The Greatest Games" event. I love getting together with other gamers from around the world and talking about what games have shaped us into the gamers we are today. For me, that's what it's all about. To celebrate this hobby that has given us so much joy.
Very wise, even if it is a looooot of work
You said it, I was just thinking it. :P
No we all appreciate the work you put in and, for sure, VGC wouldn't be the same without you! I look forward to it again this year...we will be seeing the thread soon, surely?
As long as there are shiba pics and gifs, I will be there!
Excellent. It should be a lot of fun. Hopefully my knowledge of retro games isn't quite so bad now as it was...still not looking forward to guessing the obscure 1887 titles though
Indood. Indood.
1887? 1987 even ¬_¬
So I think that's about all we have time for!
Oh, one quick question
Ask away!
What celebrity would you do if you had the choice?
Do? *raises eyebrow*
You know what I mean
Whom would you date if you had a choice?
To word it in a more PG fashion :P
Can I choose a gaming character?
Spongebob? I'll be honest I didn't see that one coming
For sure
Shanoa from Castlevania Order of Ecclesia. *swoon*


Heh, I can see where you're coming from

So yeah, I think a picture of Shanoa is a good place to end it
Do you have any additional comments you'd like to add to the good people of VGC?
My proudest moment on vgc. :P
Oh my...
Rol called me the hardest boss he ever had to face. Badge of pride right there. :P
Wow, a psuedo compliment! You've done well there Smeags
With rol you take what you can get.
Very wise words indeed
And that's it I think. Thanks for your time, patience and cooperation Smeags! Looking forward to seeing you on the forums

Where theres a Shiba, there's hope. Onward to glory... And shopping at bed bath and beyooooond!




So, there you have it! I hope you enjoyed this interview with Smeags and if you have any additional questions, then be sure to post them below! If not, any feedback on the format or the structure would also be greatly appreciated, too.


The next question must be, who do you want to see interviewed next? Make your suggestions in the comments and see you next time!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.