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mornelithe said:
VitroBahllee said:

Yes, I can imagine that quoting stuff about Siths makes you look pretty simple.

Well, thankfully, most people I talk to are quite a bit less rude than you are.  It's not beneath them to ask a quesiton what it's referring to.  

Most people are less rude than you, and don't willingly make obscure references with the expectation that their interlocutors will ask them what they just meant.

Back on topic, I thought the new Star Trek movies by Abrams were very well done, but they do seem to have less repeat viewing potential than some of the older ones. A LOT of the nerdier people online seemed to hate Darkness, and while I really enjoyed it coming out of the theater, I found my urge to watch it again dwindle over time. I thought the first of the new ones was better, after they had both been out a while.