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generic-user-1 said:
SuaveSocialist said:
generic-user-1 said:
SuaveSocialist said:
generic-user-1 said:
SuaveSocialist said:
I'd be pretty disappointed, but I have confidence that it will be a blast. Abrams made Star Trek more exciting than Star Wars, so I think he'll make Star Wars absolutely glorious. Retconning the EU was a good decision; the canon was a mess before and the narrative was too restrictive. Now we get to wonder what happens next rather than whinge about them getting things wrong from the books.

he made the WORST star trek movies ever, and thats realy hard to do. so yeah, maybe he has better luck this time.

Not according to Rotten Tomatoes---based on critics and audience review, he made two of the best of ones.

Critical Review/Audience Appreciation

Motion Picture -- 45/42
Wrath of Khan -- 88/90
Search for Spock --78/61
Voyage Home--85/80
Final Frontier -- 21/24
Undiscovered Country --83/83
Generations -- 48/58
First Contact -- 92/89
Insurrection -- 55/45
Nemesis -- 37/50
Star Trek 2009 -- 95/91 (highest rated in the series)
Into Darkness -- 87/90 (Second place to fourth overall, depending on how you want to view the data)

Abrams is going to rock the Star Wars universe.

thats like asking atheists what your favourite book of the bible...

ask a star trek fan, they will tell you how good the new movies are.

Care to point out the True Scotsmen from the Not True Scotsmen for me?  Or is the Star Trek fanbase so small we only account for a tenth of the audience?  For the record, I'm a Star Trek fan and the data looks about right from where I sit.

its not a true scotsmen argument...  not every critic has an understanding of star trek, they are happy with a good action movie, but thats not what star trek is about.


So critics aren't True Scotsmen.  What of the audience?  Adjusting for inflation, Star Trek 2009 made only slightly more than Motion Picture while Into Darkness performed pretty much equally with Wrath of Khan.  Yet the audience appreciation (the figures I placed on the right) are in line with the critical acclaim.  I suppose the audience aren't True Scotsmen either; Trekkies must not have been arsed to ever go to the theatre.  Do clarify who the True Scotsmen are.  I am a Star Trek fan and I know several Trekkies who hold the new movies in the highest esteem.  I guess we aren't True Scotsmen.

Even Metacritic puts Into Darkness above Wrath of Khan AND First Contact (and 2009 ranks well above them).  The new movies perform consistently better even on IMDB.  All data considered, the new movies are objectively among the best if not the best themselves.  Claiming they are the worst is just absurd, and ignoring the vast majority of opinions to justify your own is illogical.

Considering that the most recurring complaints are that the new movies are too bombastic, Star Wars (which is expected to be an epic space fantasy) is in very capable hands.  Keep chugging the Haterade if it makes you feel better, though.