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Toxy said:

I would like to clarify that I am not even 30 years old yet, let alone 25. I grew up with the prequel trilogy yet I can see its flaws without nostalgia googles.

I understand where you are coming from when you state that Leia could have seen Padme due to the force in the family allowing some sort of out of body experience, however, how come Luke has no memory when the force is just as strong with him (if not stronger)?
It just comes across as an apologetic explanation created by fans to legitimise the prequel trilogy. I can uderstand why people would defend it if it was something they enjoyed, but stating Leia has memories due to an out of body experience is not canon. That is just a fan theory at best. There is nothing within any of the film canon that confirms this.

I enjoyed the fact that we got to see different locales within the prequel trilogy don't get me wrong, I just believe that these locales should have implemented more practical effects. It certainly would have aged better.

Another note to add to my dislike of the prequel trilogy was the terrible plot handling of Anakin's turn to the darkside. This could have been handled so much better. Say what you want about Attack of the Clones, at least Anakin slaughtering the Tusken Raiders due to his mother's death had some sort of insight into his turn into the darkside. The Revenge of the Sith on the other hand... oh was it bad. The action sequences were excellent. Anakin's turn was terrible.
He just became so incredibly gullible. The sith deceived Anakin to betray the order, which made a little bit of sense due to Anakin being upset and being misled into believing that they conspires against the sith which at the time was Anakin's trusted friend. 
However, how the sith convinced him to kill a bunch of children to gain power to prevent death (resurrection is even implied) is beyond me.

Anakin follows his orders because he is worried that Padme is going to die. Padme confronts him and than he thinks she is conspiring against him with Obi-Wan. So he chokes her and attempts to kill Obi-Wan. WHAT. 
The whole point of him doing these deeds was so he would protect Padme, yet he just chokes her anyway due to an arbritary climax. It was completely out of character and was only implemented because clearly George Lucas could not think of any thing better.

If Obi-Wan had of hid Padme from Anakin (due to seeing the recordings of Anaking killing children), this could have been used to much better effect. The sith could have convinced Anakin that the Jedi have kidnapped his wife, and emphasise on the Jedi's conspiring against him. This would lead Anakin to hunt down the remainding Jedi, engage in battle with Obi-Wan etc.
Padme would still be alive, so Leia could have actually seen her. And Obi-Wan could have seperated Luke and Leia at birth as he does in the film (explaining why Luke has no memory of Padme). 

...and yes I agree with you. Jar Jar Binks was completely unnecessary. I hope we see his corpse in the next film as his fate has never been revealed.

Oh and they should never have explained the Force as being Mediclorians. Not only was it a silly explanation, it was unnecessary. They should have left the Force as a mystery. Not everything needs to be explained. When you are dealing with magic or spiritual power, it is best left as a mystery in my opinion. It makes it more interesting.

General psychology. Women are considered more in tune spiritually when we talk about most cultures, simple as that. It's a very basic explanation. If looked at in the scope of the OT, I'd argue it's even placed specifically to help put Luke's Dagobah hallucinations into perspective, but that's me reading too much into things as a writer. Either way, the explanation's legitimacy in canon is irrelevant because the hole's legitimacy in canon is irrelevant too. It's an anthill compared to other examples you could make if you really wanna get into plot holes. But if I could figure something like that out when I was like ten, safe bet is it's not too big an issue. I mean, shit, it's not like the plot was ever designed to work cohesively from movie to movie anyway, they were just made to sell and be enjoyed in the moment. Hence magical face turn for Vader in VI's final second despite any logical solution to the plot ending in some way that doesn't involve making your chosen hero look pathetic. 


Mind you, again, I'm being extra harsh on the OT right now to make a point. I see them just as highly as I do the PT. I think the garbage I point out in the OT now is better than most of Anakin's shit in Ep III's second half, but only slightly (and mostly because they're isolated issues as opposed to a whole character). It's in the same way that I hate most games in the Sonic franchise because they're god awful but for some reason I keep playing them hoping the next is decent, except I actually enjoy Star Wars lol. 


Lastly, Medichlorians was fine for me even if it's unnecessary. It feels cheap since it's never really used in any significant way, but the scientist in me likes some attempt at justifying it rather than leaving it a complete mystery. It could've been much worse; honestly I think Lucas created the Medichlorians to sell some sort of Magic 8 ball that would tell kids how much Force they had lol

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