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This is the Wii U:

Shown here: Wii U

This is the problem(main) with the Wii U:

Depicted: Not the Wii U

The following are images showing the Wii U along with its problem.

Exhibit A:

Blue = Wii U, Else = Wii U peripheral. Wii U console is hidden from view like an unwanted stepchild by its brighter but dependent companion. Standard press image.

Exhibit B:

Blue = Wii U, Else = Wii U perpheral. Not depicted anywhere: actual console.

Exhibit C:

Blue = Wii U, Red = Wii U peripheral. Wii U Bundle Box.

Exhibit D:

yellow and purple: Wii U, Else = Wii U peripherals. Here we can see, the wii u console thrown to its back of its very own promotional poster. Being behind its friggen power cord and component cord. Red = Logo obscured by component cord.

Exhibit E:

Blue = Wii U, Red = Wii U Peripheral. This is 2015 promotion from their website. Still haven't learned their lesson I see.


If you don't get it yet, let me just spell it out for you. With regard to the Wii U, Nintendo doesn't know how to market. The Wii U tablet is a great an arguably neccesary peripheral, a device the Wii U was basically built around. But Nintendo's obsession with the Tablet made them forget about the console itself. This is why the year lead the WIi U had on its competitor's didn't count for shit.

In Contrast:


How to Market

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank