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d21lewis said:
Aeolus451 said:

So says the xbox fan who thinks it would be awesome for PS4 owners to have just PS3 BC on the PS4. PS Now and remasters are optiional. It's not how it was with MS trying to force gamers to buy into the whole kinect at the beginning of this gen. We don't need BC. PS2's are BC with PS1. The 80gb/ 4 usb model PS3s are BC with the PS2 and PS1. Many of the long time PS owners own those consoles. So BC is pointless for them.

Gamers finally converting over to sony have many options to choose from to play the older games. The PSN store, PS now, remasters and of course, buying the old hardware and copies of games (it's expensive and I don't recommend doing that unless you can get a really good deal). All of those are optional. 

You're right.  And even though this thread is about PS2 BC, if Sony suddenly offered some form of built in backwards comp for free via a system update, even to people who don't need it--even to that 40% of PS4 owners that Sony says never owned a PS3--how could that possibly be a negative?

Sorry,  a good chunk of my line of thinking bled into my posts in this thread. Anyway, one of my points earlier was that it would be awesome if they made the PS4 BC with PS1/PS2 both instead of either one by themselves or the PS3. I don't think it's worthwhile to make just one PS gen BC by itself.

Just because the xbox one is getting limited BC with 360 games doesn't mean sony should follow suit with the PS4. Microsoft's actions with the xbox one at this point put barely any pressure on sony to follow suit. It's not the market leader so it doesn't set any standard.

If enough playstation fans ask for BC with any of the PS gens, sony will deliver. Honestly, I haven't seen many from the sony camp asking for BC before or after MS made the annoucement about the xbox having limted 360 BC, but I don't frequent many forums.