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Camilla as a character is more of a mother figure than anything. She isn't presented in a sexual way unless you wish to interpret it that way. Further, every picture you have posted is from the accessory shop, which is an entirely OPTIONAL part of the game; should you not wish to see it at all, you don't have to. There is an option in many games to display the main character in swimwear, this is nothing new. If a woman having breasts offends you then I advise you avoid most modern video games altogether.

If you want to interpret something sexually, check out the 'my room' feature where you rub characters' faces/hair with the stylus to "deepen your bonds". Again though, that too is entirely optional.

If you skip these simply because you can optionally buy/view swimwear in an OPTIONALLY built shop, you'll regret it. I've never really enjoyed a JRPG before, including FE: Sacred Stones/Path of Radiance and Xenoblade Chronicles, but Fates (all three of the storylines) is very much worth it. My personal GOTY so far.