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I don't like it.

I don't get why people here get so defensive everytime there's critcism about a Nintendo game.

This just makes it look like another generic skimpy JRPG#32235.

Fire Emblem had a great art style up until Awakening, now fates just went full "compile hearts/senran kagura" crap (imo).

Altough i don't blame them honestly, Awakening was going to be the last game in a franchise that was about to die, and Awakening turned it into very important 3DS franchise now.

Still, the price was too high, now instead of getting lords fighting for their people and empire, we get big titties and softcore porn, it's like they sold their dignity just to stay afloat.

However this is just an opinion, if you just enjoy this type of artstyle, well, better for you.

I just wish this moe artstyle could die, there's so few JRPGs nowadays that don't look like K-ON and stuff like that.

I just can't immerse myself in a game that have this kind of characters, i wan't to play as a knight with full plate armor, not as a 15 year old with double D cups almost nude fighting other 15 year olds with D cups.