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With regards to the Final Fantasy sexualization you have to look at each game in the time period it was created to get a real feel for whether there was sexualization. I think anything prior to FF6 is very tame, largely due to the fact that during that particular era (80s and early 90s) video games were "made for the kids"

One could argue that the naked pink esper form of Terra is overly sexualized, especially in the 90s where we have that "made for kids" mantra for games.

Tifa in FFVII was as sexualized as Lara Croft in Tomb Raider. Late 90s when suddenly the "sex sells" mantra started to penetrate (pun absolutely intended) the video game world as well.

Since then, all FF games have had their fan service character here or there, with of course the one exception imo of 9.