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I don't post here much, but I had to post just to say this. OP is one of the most annoying posters on this board. Why is everything about Zelda with you? You're still being a fanboy even in your blaming of the series/fans. Whether you're being negative or positive, your target is always "Zelda". The world does not revolve around Zelda, and while the series has its problems, this is completely irrelevant to the problem with Metroid right now. Please take a freaking break from the series, because even in your pessimism about the series, it still seems to be the only thing ever on your mind. You're the only one who would make a thread like this. 

Zelda remakes and spin offs haven't even been selling more than fair at best save OoT3D. But because of your massive Zelda obsession, apparently these "highly successful remakes", which are mostly average at best in terms of sales, are the cause of the Metroid problem? What are you smoking, and can I get any of that? 

The biggest problem is Nintendo dishing out remake after remake after spinoff in a short time span, but the sales of these titles have been far below mainline entries for the most part. This problem has nothing to do with federation force.