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Let me introduce myself too. you can call me Vor. I'm a gamer from Indonesia (Hi HollyGamer) and I play games mostly on Nintendo console and PC though I used to be a PS fan.

About my gaming history I bought PS2 at 2009 as my first gaming console. Yeah I'm an extremely late adopter (though I didn't have money to buy a PS3). It has great games. But after a few years I'm getting boring because there are too much game with the same genre. So fast forward to 2012. I see an ads about Wii U. But because I'm still a casual at that time I thought Wii U is just another version of Wii. So I bought Wii instead because it is much cheaper. After realized my mistake I learn more about gaming and I became hardcore gamer on around mid 2013. For my handheld experience I bought DSi XL at 2012 (also late adopter) because I wan't to play Pokemon Black/White 2. But my DS broke recently so I bought a New 3DS XL just a few days ago.

About VGChartz i know this site from Holiday 2013 when I was looking for number for the first time. So yeah I'm a longtime lurker here.

So that's all from me. Sorry for late introduction. My gaming account is listed on my sig. pls add me there and on VGChartz too. Hope we can be friend guys.

EDIT: FYI I play games competitively on Mario Kart, SSB, Dota 2, and I'm learning Counter Strike now.

A handheld gamer only (for now).