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Movies & TV - ReBoot reboot - View Post

MoHasanie said:
ganoncrotch said:

It was an absolutely terrible series to begin with, really really cheesey computer jokes and references all over the place and no real story, about mid way through the 2nd season of it they introduced a chain story that went on for 2 seasons and was amazing, then there was a final season of it which was actually really touched up cg and wrapped up a number of stories before finally ending on a giant cliffhanger.... and then was cancelled, then a voice actor envolved in the cliffhanger died who was a major part of why the character was so incredible so I lost all hope to ever see it finished.


TL:DR Download it, suffer through the first season, enjoy the next 3, then cringe at it not having an ending.

Sure, I'll give it a try then. But any show ending on a cliffhanger is a big deal for :/ . 

Oh yeah, it's like the worst kinda awful cliffhanger. But yeah the first series and into series 2 or episode 18 in total according to wiki is where it actually stops being random episodes introducing characters and plot and begins a continuing story line which is great. If you can suffer through the start of it tho there are elements which are explained that might help later on.


- sorry if post is shit, currently low on sugar and make little sense I know this but am sorry!

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