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I played Minecraft when it was in alpha/beta stage. I copied and pasted it from my friends flashdrive off my laptop and we downloaded some weird named online connecting software in order to play with one another. The game had nothing in it in terms of goals (this was WAY before the quests/towns/npc characters were put in the game). Even then, I thought that stupid game was wonderful and on to something insane.

I know Super Mario Maker is essentially Nintendo's response to Minecraft. Something where players can create. And it even has the charm of having 4 different graphic/art style modes for people depending on what their fondest memory of Mario is. Here is the thing though, Mario has been around a lot longer than Minecraft and there is no video game figure that is more recognizible than Mario.

If Minecraft can sell 14-40 million copies with no one ever hearing of it before the first game, I think we are greatly underestimating how much Mario Maker can sell and that brings me to my one point of this whole thing; something no one, as far as I have read, has considered yet. We all seem so certain (for the most part) that NX is a physical device and, more importantly, that it will launch in 2016 or 2017 (including myself). But what if Mario maker is a gigaton game? What if it pushes  hardware to be double or triple what it currently is? Then, all of a sudden, millions of people are buying Wii U's. Do you think Nintendo would still rush out the NX or delay it and commit to making MORE games for the Wii U? What if 3rd party companies see how popular it is and how many Wii U's are being sold because of it and start to make more ports or exclusives for Nintendo? What if Mario Maker makes the Wii U last the proper 5-6 years?


I'm not just asking this for the lulz. I seriously think this is a legitimate possibility because no one predicted how big Minecraft would become. Everyone saw Maker at the E3 tournament. The crowd was delighted by it and I myself was sold on that game after seeing it. What if it is a WHOLE lot bigger than anyone could predict and pushes hardware like no game before it? Could this be to Wii U what Ocarina of time 3d, Mario kart 7, and Animal Crossing New Leaf were to 3ds?