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burninmylight said:

Einsam D never actually said that. That's just how it read to me, because he said the game "received no graphical improvements" after I said it began development as a Wii game. My point was that you can clearly see how the game began life as Wii project, with some of the textures and lighting effects, but clearly it received a graphical overhaul in the migration to Wii U. I used PIkmin 3 as an example because this upcoming Star Fox game also began development on the Wii. But E_D believes that because WE, the western consumers who have no idea what's going on behind closed doors at  Nintendo unless some VIP decides to tell us, didn't see any Wii footage or screenshots during development, then we can never make assumptions. Because if WE don't see it, we have no proof, therefore it does not exist.

But don't listen to me, I'm an "unreasonable fool" for having my own opinion and stating my reasoning over and over again.

I'll agree with you in so much that there have been many Nintendo titles that saw noticeable graphical improvement from reveal to release; Metroid Prime 3 comes to mind immediately; it looked no better than Prime 2 at first, but the finished game looks much better.