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Sqrl said:
ssj12 said:
this list is the crappiest thing Ihave ever read, lol. I dont agree with a single one.

Soo.....your take on this is as follows?

#7 Thou shalt let us play your game with real-life friends.
- You dislike playing with freinds/family IRL


Sorry , I reraley play games in multiplayer , Im mostly a single-player guy 


#6 Thou shalt not pad the length of your games.
- Like games being padded for length with huge stretches of land between objectives
- Enjoy mandatory fetch quests


Hate the fetch quests  , but I actually enjoy when I had to go with a tank/car trough major landscapes ( see : Advent Rising )


#5 Thou shalt not force repetition on the player.
- You don't mind having to replay levels due to limited save points.
- Like being forced to watch cutscenes repeatedly.
- Have no problems with instant failure quicktime events.


Lack of savepoints : harder games ... that can be taken as a pro or a con . Many cutscene actually hides loadtimes so yeah , its often needed for cutscenes to be shown several times , and I have nothing against instant-failure quicktime events , because as somebody who is usually imersed into games I susually beat them from the first time .


#4 Thou shalt make killing fun.
- Like starting with a bullshit weapon.
- Enjoy killing tiny rodent enemies.
- Don't mind attacks that have no visible effect.
- Don't notice/mind games Filled with hordes of cookie-cutter bad guys.


Starting with a week weapon is not a bad thing , it just showes you later on the difference when you get the ultimate one . Small enemies can allways keep the tension up , and sometimes I do like hordes of por AI characters ( Dynasty/Samurai Warriors anyone ?). But it is true , and I hate when weapons have no visible effect on enemies .


#3 Thou shalt admit when enough is enough.
- You like escort missions.
- No problems with CPU-controlled squad teammates.
- Enjoy First-person jumping puzzles.
- Don't think that WW2 games and grizzled space marines are getting old


Yes , I do hate escort missions , and FPS jumps to , but I actually like CPU teammates sometimes ( when they actually have some level of AI ) and I still like WW2 FPSs and manly space marines :P 


#2 Thou shalt make sure your game actually works.
- No problem with devs who port games after about five minutes of beta testing.
- Don't mind games Released on a console that can't really run it.
- Aren't bothered by load times.


Load times dont bother me , untill the game is good . Some fast ports are good ( Okami ? ) and some arent ( POP : Revelations ) oh , and If a game is on a console than it actually runs it . Lower quality ? Maybe , but the core is usually there .


#1 Better graphics do not equal innovation and/or creativity.
- Don't think games need to hire real writers
- Don't mind if devs don't put time into the endings
- And believe graphics make a game great.


Real writers can be lame to , but sometimes they can do miracles ( Dead Head Fred is my fav . ) . Yeah some endings are lame , but IMO thats usually just a small part of the problem , and yes , graphics can make the game excelent ( Syberia , Gears of War , God of War ... all of these top rated series would be far less popular if there wouldent be the graphics to back it . A real cinematic experience needs great graphics , and sorry , MKDS just cant achieve that  ) 


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