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I'm usually not very vocal about not liking something. I didn't say I was giving up on the game. I'm just not impressed by what I've seen and done so far. Maybe I'm playing it on too big of an HDTV CRT screen. I'm not sure what the issue is with the graphics looking so soft. It's like I said, my other Wii games look great. I'm not a graphics whore by any means (hence why I'm skipping PS3 and 360 for now). I've always been a big supporter for the Wii. I'm just let down by what should have been my favorite game of the year.

I love these types of games! Sadly my first impression of this particular game has not gone over as well as I wanted.

The poor attack command is unforgivable, no matter what anyone here says. It should have been fixed or axed!

Here's a picture I took...  it's even blurrier then that in person...

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.