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midrange said:
curl-6 said:

Actually, none of the developers of those games are known for their technical prowess. They obviously speak to the console's abilities since that is what the games run on.

I did not mean to say they were the most technically impressive developers (naughty dog seems to take that title), I meant that their great looking games stem from the fact that the developers had a lot more adaptive capabilities (and big budgets) rather than the wii u hardware being impressive. The wii u hardware would have been great for 2010, it was manageable in 2012, but in 2015 I would hesitate to call it capable when a lot of indie/crowdfunded developers are making games that surpass the scope of most wii u games on other consoles(no man's sky is great example).

Oh I completely agree it's not a graphically powerful console by today's standards, I just objected to Starfox Zero being a good measuring stick for its full capabilities, as I'd argue most Wii U games look better.