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It still doesn't make sense. Why not say "for PS4 and PC" then? They did for SFV right away and the Shenmue kickstarter also lists that, but FF7 Remake does not state the same.

In my opinion this is different. It's likely such an expensive project that S-E will eventually put it on XB1, PC, and yes even Nintendo NX (provided it can run the game).

And that shouldn't bother anyone. Console exclusives are bullsh*t and anti-consumer unless the game could not be made any other way, but a FF7 Remake is going to sell millions and millions of copies so that's not exactly an issue. This isn't some hard luck niche sequel or indie game that couldn't get funded otherwise. 

Everyone should be able to enjoy and experience this game regardless of "console allegiance", it's the games that matter at the end of the day.