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RadiantDanceMachine said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:


I'm sorry, but is this a joke?

If I say "I love you" to 30,000 people and "I hate you" to one person, does the 30,000 times I've mentioned I love someone mean I don't hate anyone? Of course not.

Kindly review:

Thing is your entire claim is based on the occurrence of the word hate in the Old testament. Which makes zero sense because you are literally taking words out of context I was just showing, even in your flawed reasoning, using hate as a word count makes no sense at all. Especially when the fact that the basis of Christianity isn't even mentioned, in the OT, the book you say has the most occurences of the word hate.

Your initial claim is silly, I was just obliging you and rendering it moot on your own terms.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank