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So much non-sense from John Lucas. Its fine and dandy to state facts. No one can argue them, but the way you interpret those facts is so out to lunch it's not even funny.

You might be imagining that Japan is still #1 in the pecking order, but that simply isn't true. What kind of games sells better than anything here in North America, and terrible in Japan? Shooters. What did Nintendo just make? A shooter. Why? Because they want a piece of the North American pie, they want some of that Wii magic to rub off on the Wii U but North Americans couldn't care less about the Wii U. The magic is gone. That's why the Wii U came out when it did, because sales dried up quickly. People stopped caring. The fad died. Nintendo tried to pivot and reposition itself to keep the sales train going, but it failed.

And here you are thinking Sony and MS weren't ready for the 8 gen? Please. They dictate when a new generation starts. Not Nintendo. They couldn't care less what Nintendo tries to do, nor should they. Like you said, they're not competing against Nintendo anyways, are they? Why are there so few games that have come out in the first 18 months of the console? I find that odd considering more games have come out for the PS4 and Xbox One in their first 18 months than any other consoles in history. How incredible would it be if Sony and MS actually were prepared?

But I digress, and so do you. What does this have to do with Wii U hitting 240 million in sales? Absolutely nothing of course. Seriously. Almost all of what you said related to Nintendo focusing on the 3DS, and you made it quite clear that the Wii U and the 3DS are two completely separate consoles even if they eventually share the same OS and games.

You might be right that Nintendo is waiting on two crashes. But let's hope not because it simply will not come. Here's the part you're forgetting. If all of the big players in third-party and mobile games go bankrupt and stop putting out games, there's still hundreds of profitable players waiting to take their place, and guess what? They still know how to make games for PS4/X1/iPhone/Android! They're just going to keep doing what they're doing and make money doing it. Those platforms aren't going to just magically disappear. Millions of people aren't just going to throw their consoles and mobile phones away! Zynga can come and go. The mobile beat went on without a hitch. Facebook can come and go the same way myspace did. It changes absolutely nothing. Microsoft isn't going anywhere. Apple isn't going anywhere. Google isn't going anywhere. Microsoft definitely isn't going anywhere, and Sony has turned it around and probably isn't going anywhere either. This isn't like Atari during the first video game crash. One major player doesn't hold most of the cards. One company's bad decisions cannot bring an industry to its needs like it once did. The times have changed. There's no way for the whole industry to go up in flames like it could, much less for Nintendo to be the only player left if it did. History doesn't always repeat itself John. While its true that those who forget history are destined to repeat it, no one is forgetting the history of video games - They're just not looking at Nintendo's history through Nintendo colored glasses.

Also, you do realize that the only thing it would take for your entire diatribe to fall apart is for Nintendo to announce the Wii U's successor, and have it released within the next three years. Nintendo always releases a new Home console every 5-6 years, and we all know how John Lucas absolutely loves to point out how trends cannot be broken (like how the most powerful console can't possibly win a console generation, right John?). The Wii U came out in 2012. It's starting to push 3 years old. Tick tick John. The Wii U's successor could very well be out November 2017. That's not much time to sell 230 million consoles.

Here's my proposition, because I'm tired of your nonsense: If the Wii U home console (JUST the Wii U as we know it today) sells more than 140 million lifetime I will leave this site forever. Permaban. If the Wii U (JUST the Wii U as we know it today) sells less than 100 million lifetime. You leave this site forever. Permaban. There's a 50 Million spread there where neither of us leave. Deal? Or do you not believe what you say? How strong are your convictions? I'm giving you a 100 million console grace here. What say you?