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Relax, it's Kotaku. They're the D Tier of reviewers.


S Tier: Websites that give reviews that can generally be used as reliable sources of information concerning whether you would like a game or not. (GamesRadar, Game Trailers, Nintendo Life, etc)

A Tier: Reviews likely paid for by publishers, but still useful provided you remember the text itself is more important than the number. Reviews are often written so that subjective elements are obviously such, even if praised or denounced. (IGN, Game Informer, etc)

B Tier: A varied mixture of good and bad information, but difficult to wade through. (User Reviews)

C Tier: Garbage, to the extent where simply watching a few trailers is the safer bet. May contain useful info, but probably not worth your time. (Gamespot)

D Tier: Toxic, to the extent where reviews can make a person less informed. There is no clear relationship between a game's quality and reviews. (Polygon, Kotaku, etc)

Love and tolerate.