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cookingyourmama said:
Xyrax said:
cookingyourmama said:


The real third party sales this week are:

935,406 wii
1,017,931 xbox360
622,979 ps3

Despite the wii having sold 6 million more consoles than the 360 it still can't out sell it in 3rd party software sales.

And guess what, week after week the Wiis installbase grows and grows and continues to outstrip the growth rate of the 360.


Look at how close the third party totals are above. Now think about 6 months from now when the Wii has passed the 360 in America as well and is many MORE millions ahead of the 360.


THE RATIO DOESNT MATTER! In the END the Wiis third party totals will SURPASS the 360's PERIOD. It has already begun to do it in overall software, third party totals are NEXT. Basically it doesnt mean ANYTHING that 360s third parties get 80% while the Wiis third party gets 60%. Because as the Wiis userbase keeps bending the 360 over month after month, the 60% the Wii has will become >>>>> than the 80% the 360 has. Nothing is going to stop this, it comes along with being the market leader.


You guys used to say "Wii wont catch the 360 in America" Then you shifted to "Wii wont ever have a good attach rate" then you shifted to "Third party games wont sell on it" then you shifted it to "Yeah well the 360 is selling about 70k more third party software a week!" You are moving the goalposts as each and every one of your arguments fall apart. But its just an inevitibility. The Wii will do more 3rd party software weekly than the 360 as it grows, count on it. For the 360 to only be beating the Wii by 70k software units per week when the Wii has crap like HoTD3 up against DMC4, Rockband, COD4 is embarassing for the 360, not the Wii. Considering the quality, the numbers shouldnt even be close, userbases be damned.

Wow talk about a total fanboy rant saying "you guys used to say this and that" when i haven't said any of those things.

The only reason why 3rd party sales are close at the moment is 3rd parties aren't releasing any major games right now for the 360 or ps3 because they don't want to go head to head with grand theft auto 4, which is going to sell huge amounts of software and hardware that will keep the 360's software well above the wii and take the ps3's software right next to the wii's. And all this is happening when the wii has a 6 million lead on the 360 and a 12 and a half million lead over the ps3 and you wonder why the wii gets critized for it's 3rd party sales?

 Meh. In my opinion, this is a sub-par effort on your part. But do me next! Please please please! And while you're at it, point me to the AAA third-party games that are the equal of Grand Theft Auto that have been released for the Wii recently, as well as the AAA games the PS3 and 360 have seen come out in the past three months, which would have given them more than enough time to avoid the GTA megaton. And since I'm building my wishlist, please also tell me why Nintendo is surrounding GTA with its own releases if the Grand Theft Auto series is truly others. Or do you think Mario Kart and Wii Fit are being sent to die? Alternatively, do you concede that GTA is not in fact the alpha and omega of gaming that you're making it out to be?

And @ thekitchensink: Thank you. Mind you, cookingyourmama, or someone else, may still be able to prove me wrong by introducing some data that negates my points, but I have my doubts that he will. But if he does, please provide the relative links next time, as finding and assembling the data cookingyourmama posted last time made me waste several minutes to verify that he was, in fact, mostly correct about that assertion.