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Sony needed a more powerful console this generation, they were desperate in that regard, with the lack of AAA games on PS4, they needed power, If the X1 was more powerful then the PS4 then Sony would have had no leg to stand on. However this isn't because MS didn't know how to build a console, this was because MS already knew what they wanted and had there focus on other parts of the console then just Hardware, and that's Software. The PS4 was originally going to be 4gigs of Ram compared to the WiiU's 2 gigs, Sony heard about MS using 8 gigs and changed there's to 8 gigs and made it GDDR5. Sony actually used the other consoles as there leaping stones.

However this gen is going to be interesting because both companies are going to be throwing punches all though this generation and in 2015 I see MS winning this round.