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Aj_habfan said:
Interesting. But isn't it quite often Wii supporters who are claiming of a lack of 3rd party support?

Or are these 60% high sales from a small group of games?

 Neither, actually. It's the Wii's detractors who routinely say that Nintendo can't attract third parties, and so consequently the Wii is somehow doomed to fail. I'm certain you can see the holes in that argument, so we needn't go into detail ourselves.

The 60% is actually spread out amongst several games, meaning that many companies realize good profits from the Wii, rather than a few companies making massive amounts. See for example the top ten list, which has two third party games on it. I also strongly consider anyone who responds to this post to consider the first sentence of this paragraph before making any points about the second. Furthermore, I ask anyone who thinks 60% is too low a figure for third parties to take a look at the sales chart here on this site.

Notice that so many of Nintendo's offerings are multi-million sellers, and that Nintendo has released far more first party games than Microsoft or Sony. Sony has released 19 titles so far for the PS3, only four of which are platinum. Microsoft has released 21 games, 8 of which are million sellers. Nintendo has released 25 games, 16 of which are platinum. In short, it's not that third parties are doing poorly on the Wii, it's that Nintendo is doing far and away the best of the three first-parties. Far and away better. They're doing better than any third party, even though they only publish games for two of the six viable systems, not including the PC. It is hardly surprising that the percentage of Wii games sold skews in their favor. 

This is supported by other data. Ask Viper1 for a comparison of third party sales in the past month: he'll be happy to educate you. Heck, just search for his thread, the data's all there if you're interested. Many third parties are actively crediting the Wii for their recent financial successes. So I would submit to Aj_habfan, cookingyourmama, and others  that the situation for third parties on the Wii is in fact quite healthy. But if you have the data to prove otherwise, please submit it for evaluation, as I'm interested to see what the rest of us are missing.