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trestres said:
Care to name that trash? IMO Nintendo expanded the industry, didnt opt to head the same way as the rest. So expanding the industry, bringing new gamers means trash?

You hate Nintendo and you have been banned for that blind hate. You should stop it before its too late (perma ban).

BTW you didnt live in the 80's so you can comment on just history.
This gen is by far one of the best gaming has had. Casuals can now enjoy games, as well as hardcores, be it on HD consoles or on Wii.

Stop crying and complaining for no reason, leave if you gonna troll on every occasion you get.

Actually, I can field some of these questions for him. The trash includes anything published by Phoenix Games, the bulk of the PS2 ports, and almost all the games that have sold poorly. You will find many examples on this page.

I agree that this generation has seen a high percentage of excellent games, and that it's a good time to be a gamer. I did live through the 80's, and can testify that many of those games did, indeed, blow, although obviously there was enough cream in the crop to keep us interested.

Finally, the personal attacks on kingofwale are unwarranted. You believe, as I do, that he is incorrect on this matter, which is why I invite him to persuade me otherwise. We shall see what will come of that. As for the rest of it, if the mods believe he deserves another ban, they will issue one. Let them do their jobs, so that the rest of us can enjoy these forums as much as possible.

And kingofwale, I believe I've addressed trestres' concerns enough that you no longer need to do so as well. Please answer our questions, so that we may move this discussion forward.

Edit: I see I was a bit too late. But my points stand.