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Kasz216 said:
kingofwale said:
GlingGling said:
kingofwale said:

I don't insult people, I insult games, and frankly, I ignore all those who try personal attack instead of sticking to the topic.

I'm going to say around 20% good games, and rest are shovelware. It's fine for gamers, who often goes online to check reviews before making their purchases, but for soccer moms buying it as gift?? Well, that is why I have garbages sitting at home with wrappers still on it.

I think Seal of Quality will be as useful as ESRB when it comes to non-gamer picking out games. It's really the last guideline to ensure that good games (niche or not) get rewarded while garbages stay where they belong.

We have these things around me called Birthday Lists and Christmas lists. You see... you write down things you want. Then people go to stores and get them for you.

It worked remarkably well for me when I was a kid and worked for everyone I know too.

I don't think i've ever met anyone who's got a game they haven't wanted. Well except for the occasional person who chagned their mind on a game after they submitted their list to be passed around the family.

@kingofwale: I would also add that if shovelware was as big a problem as you claim, and that it was really snaring bucketloads of soccer moms, we'd be seeing shovelware producers like Phoenix Games and their ilk posting much higher profits. Obviously, some sales will get through the cracks (I myself got Cars for Christmas two years ago. And I'm 23!) But while the shovelware companies make just enough to stay in business, it's the companies who make good software that really rake in the cash. In other words, while the release schedule says your half-right, the sales numbers don't support the gist of your argument.

And I stick by my statement that if WayForward can make Contra 4 after twenty years in the business, then shovelware is not quite as malignant as we make it out to be.

@stillwell: I'm skeptical that Nintendo will be doing all that much moneyhatting this generation. That tactic usually isn't adopted by the console leader. Although I admit they have done some of it already, if the rumors of their purchasing the rights to the Fatal Frame series proves to be true.