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GlingGling said:
kingofwale said:

Do you own a DS Gling? Or have you looked a the DS library of late? DS has great AAA games, with Zelda HG and The World ends with you, but what you don't see, is 20 or so garbage games that release on to that platform.

With Nitendo's track record, it isn't a bad idea to even release a Seal of Quality again. At least it will be able to help their customers distinguish Nintendogs from the 1000 other crappy imitations out there.

My brother owns a DS, I play it often and buy games for it. In my previous post I said that Nintendo appears willing to accept this situation. 10% great games 90% shovelware, that sounds about right, maybe 15/85.

I agree, a new Seal of Quality wouldn't be a bad idea. Especially considering they're willing to accept so much shovelware. A seal of quality to expose great games would be very helpful to gamers.

 I don't insult people, I insult games, and frankly, I ignore all those who try personal attack instead of sticking to the topic.

I'm going to say around 20% good games, and rest are shovelware. It's fine for gamers, who often goes online to check reviews before making their purchases, but for soccer moms buying it as gift?? Well, that is why I have garbages sitting at home with wrappers still on it.

 I think Seal of Quality will be as useful as ESRB when it comes to non-gamer picking out games. It's really the last guideline to ensure that good games (niche or not) get rewarded while garbages stay where they belong. 

Soriku (Feb 10/08): In 5 years the PS3/360 will be dead.

KH3 bet: "If KH3 comes to Wii exclusive, I will take a 1 month of sig/avatar by otheres open a thread apologize and praise you guys' brilliance."
Original cast: Badonkadonkhr, sc94597 allaboutthegames885, kingofwale, Soriku, ctk495, skeezer, RDBRaptor, Mirson,

Episode 1: OOPSY!
: Too Human I even expect 3-4 mill entire life and 500,000 first day. GoW2 ( expect 7 - 9 million entire life and over 2 mill first day), Fable 2 (expect 5-6 million entire life and 1.5 mill fist day) BK3 (expect 4 - 5 mill sales entire life and 1 mill first day).. Tales/IU/TLR should get to 2 or 3 million! post id: 868878
Episode 2:
Letsdance: FFXIII (PS3+360) first week in NA = 286K
According to pre-order rate in week 13 (post id: 2902544)