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Mummelmann said:
LurkerJ said:

You are the one who is doing generalizations here. You want to believe there is a MENTALITY for PC GAMERS that they live by. 

My main point is that CONSOLES GAMERS given the choice to play the game for free on a PC , will be tempted to do so. See what you are missing because you are too focused on belonging to the commuinty you are trying to convince me that you understand so well? Missed the main point I was trying to make.

2 of my friends who chose to go PC only this generation , just like I did, couldn't resist bloodborne and bought a PS4 just to play it. You don't seem to understand how big the souls series is on PC right now and yet you are giving me lectures on the PC gamers MENTALITY. 

So your main point is that PC gamers should expect and desvere to wait longer for releases due to the piracy of console gamers on PC? That seems like a solid argument. That would make the console gamers the actual a-holes in this issue, which is not what the general tone in this thread is at all and that doesn't really help you in the slightest since it becomes a contradiction of your other(?) main point. If your friends were swayed by a single title to buy a 400$ console; they clearly had some interest in it to begin with or they have too much money on their hands.

I'm giving you lectures because you clearly need them and if this very thead is anything to go; most other PC gamers in here seem to agree with me on this.

This is silly. You want me to belong to a faction of gamers so you can construct your points in a certain fashion. Go ahead. I don't care if I ended up make the consoles gamers look like a holes. People are A holes, it doesn't matter what they game on. I am not siding with anyone here. Some people are just that insecure it seems. Fear of piracy exists. Its manifestations are apparent.