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uran10 said: 
Dr.Vita said:
A Wii game (which is also avalaible on Wii U) is beating the biggest Wii U game of the year in Japan...
Anyway, I hope that Vita / PS4 hardware is doing good!

Dragon quest is a MUCH bigger franchise than Xenoblade. You also have no idea what the biggest game for WII U in japan is, it could be SMTXFE for all we know, heck maybe even splatoon. You also seem to be forgetting how many Wiis are out in the wild but oh well.

Wii is almost 10 years old and is no longer sold in Japan, accept it! And this is not a new Dragon Quest, it is just a new episode (or new add-on)! Xenoblade Chronicles X was hyped by everyone. It was Wii U exclusive and it had an exclusiv bundle. And Xenoblade couldn't manage to outsell a new episode of an old game on a 10 years old console (looking at Tsutaya ranking)!!!