Dr.Vita on 03 May 2015
Great thread!
Nintendo: Star Fox U gameplay | Nintendo: Fatal Frame 5 will be shown | Nintendo: New DLC's for their games | Nintendo: New Metroid announcement | Nintendo: New Remake/remaster game |
Sony: Horizon announcement | Sony: Uncharted 4 will be shown | Sony: New PS Vita game will be announced (not Indie) | Sony: Gravity Rush 2 will be shown | Sony: Tearaway Unfolded will be shown |
Microsoft: Scalebound will be shown | Microsoft: Quantam Break will be shown | Microsoft: Halo 5 information | Microsoft: Rare will reveal a new Banjoo Kazoie | Microsoft: The new Gears of War game will get a trailer |
3rd party: Batman Arkham Knight will get a new trailer | 3rd party: Call of Duty Black Ops 3 will get a new trailer | 3rd party: Fifa 16 will be shown | 3rd party: Fallout 4 will be announced | 3rd party: Assassin's Creed Victory will get a new trailer |
3rd party: Street Fighter V will get a new trailer | 3rd party: Watch Dogs 2 will be announced | 3rd party: Just Cause 3 information | 3rd party: Mirror's Edge 2 announcement | 3rd party: Mass Effect 3 will be shown |