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Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Goodnightmoon said:

Oh, and now you have a new opinion. One that says that your opinion is a correct fact. Interesting.
I´ll give you the first point though, there´s speculation on my opinion, that´s a fact. Everything else, is your opinion.

And let´s stop this here, please, it´s getting funny in a bad way.

Saying "it´s getting funny in a bad way." is an attempt to deflect the argument and make me doubt my previous claims because you have no rebuttal. Unfortunately for you, I am completly assurred in my stance. Since any one can simply search the terms I used and find the definitions I cited.

If you had any counter, you would have employed them, explaining how it wasn't downplay or bias. But you failed to do so. You even conceded that I was correct in my assertion of speculation.

You further attempt dismisal, by incorrectly claiming that the bolded is an opinion as well. 

Because EVEN if you disagree with that my claim is a fact, the statement itself cannot be an opinion. 

Disagreeing with a fact does not make it any less factual.

The only way a fact can be shown to be incorrect is by disproving it, something you did not do.

The only way to show the fact is not objective, is to point out the subjective assertions within the claim itself.

You have done neither.

The only way you can endeavor to do this is

*prove how your claim contains no Bias, because my claim was that Bias exists in your claim(which is not the same as describing that Bias, something that would be an opinion)

 *prove how your claim does not Downplay, which will be really hard because "relevant" is a synonym for importance, which is what the defintion of downplay involves.

On a sidenote: Don't take this personal, I just call it like I see it. (Objectively, in this case). Especially, when people make paragraphed claims. Few people are actually prepared to back up what they say. And rely on repeated tactics of dismisall, deflection, Ad Hominem attacks etc.

Hey man just call a spade a spade and move on. He obviously won't listen to reason lol

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- Max Payne 3