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torok said:

If you play the game, you will see that there isn't any advantage. The basic kit (in their strongest situations) is:

My point stands...I am not claiming any of these weapons to be overpowered. I am saying that the variety of weapons, skills and purchasables give players an advantage over those who do not pay for DLC.

I also think that the complaints are widespread enough to lend creedence to the opinion that at some level, this messes with the balancing of the game putting players on unequal footing. It also restricts players who do not wish to pay to a smaller set of playstyles which is problematic in its own right. It is worth noting that games are balanced at multiple levels, not just for high level competitive play. If at the standard levels, this harms the game (which numerous players seem to be stating it does), that is a problem.

If you want to introduce additional weapons into a competitive game, make the update free because in almost every situation, it will put players on uneven footing and alter the meta of the game. This was a full priced retail game...we shouldn't be seeing stuff like this.