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torok said:

Do you know what you are talking about? I play this game online all the time and even played competitions. The DLC perks and guns are far from the best ones, actually most of them suck. The DLCs add three types of new things:

- Perks: most DLC ones aren't the best available. The best DLC perk is the scavenger, that gives you more ammo per kill and combines well with the burst rifle or other ammo hungry guns, but you can simply use creator/medic and get extra points to buy ammo (and you can also use for body armor and upgrades).

- Weapons: the best DLC weapon is the enforcer. The rest are pretty weak and gimmicky. Best weapons in the game are the burst rifle, semi auto and hunting rifle. The old west rifle from the DLC is good, but it loses to the semi auto most of the times and its on par with the burst in medium distances. Close quarter, burst rifle always beats it.

- Purchasable weapons: that's the most ridiculous. The only half way decent purchasable from the DLCs is the specter, but since it's stealth oriented you aren't getting more advantage than a shiver or bow. The definitive purchasable weapon is the shotgun, a regular game weapon. It beats all the other in close quarters and you can even take an entire team if you gets a surprise attack. The military sniper (regular too) is great too, the El Diablo is good. The rest is pretty much just for fun.

Playing with serious players what you have is guys with burst rifles, semi auto, runners with shorties and snipers with hunting rifles. Purchasables are only for shotguns and military snipers. Perks will be maily creator, sharphooter and medic. That's what competitive players use.

Mostly talking about this article, which pretty clearly explains it:

Those who pay money have a clear, objective advantage over those who do not. While the severity isn't on the level of Korean Pay to Win, its still worth complaining about