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Gaming Discussion - Why VR? - View Post

For some reason there seems to be a lot of optimisim about the future of VR. And I think it needs a long overdue oversaturation of pessimism.

I literally cannot see how some people on this forum think it will change the game (gross overexaggeration). My view is that its only going to incite a susbet of the hardcore market(oversimplification). At best and at most, it could only shift half of the units of Move/Kinect and in the case of the morpheus, a fraction of the consoles. Sure it will make a lot of cool things possible, but getting back to earth, its not gonna make any discernible change in the industry.

I mean even on the offchance that oculus/morpheus could get "Whales", people who spend a dispproportinate amount of money on content to somehow make it profitable, there is no way that much content is going to be produced, if we are talking about content that would be worth anything on a VR headset.

So please, give me your opinions on why VR is the future, or, the correct answer, why VR isn't.

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