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TheSpindler said:
Last of Us? There's been a couple dozen zombie drama movies the last 5 years. Unless you mean older guy with beard protecting younger girl which can apply to a crapload of films, most notably, The Road. I mostly watch all the ones I can find and I forgot most of them as they all kind of blend together after awhile. The only one that comes to mind that stood out was that series with the guy that was gay, but the series never said it was gay, but it was obvious, and that the zombies weren't even necessary because of what it truly was. Oh and Les Revenants. can't for the life of me remember any zombie movies even though I watched about 3 in the last 2 weeks.

I can't even remember the Road had zombies though, all I remember from that movie is depression and thinking the boy in the movie should have just been a girl.

This looks cool though, it'll be interesting to see Arnold in a drama, at least one in which it seems the critics are saying he was great in.

The last of us isn't the only story about a father/child relationship, or a post-apocalypticworld. The Last of Us itself was inspired by The Road and Children of Men according to Neil in many interviews, which are also two of my favorite films, although the film adaptation of the road was lighter comparing to the original book, but that ending was depressing as hell!!! BTW, there were no zombies in the Road, just other survivals like bandits and cannibals. The whole similarity thing according to the article is intresting, because it's directed by the same guy who served as the title sequence director and designer on The Last of Us.

The Fury said:
So... when the Last of Us film is made people will claim it ripped of this?

All these type of stories shares many plotlines and themes. It's not the 1st of its kind. The last of US will do fine if Hollywood doesn't ruin what made the game a modern gaming classic.

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