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So why is Bloodborne Digital Copy tracked separately at 40? Shouldn't digital and physical sales be combined?

This is the strangest thing. Come on MLB make it to the top 20.


For those wanting some idea on ranking correlation. According to Theresa Regan (Someone who should be in the know) the book rankings averaged out to:
(Amazon did ask her to take down her article)

Amazon Best Seller Rank 50,000 to 100,000 – selling close to 1 book a day.
Amazon Best Seller Rank 10,000 to 50,000 – selling 5 to 15 books a day.
Amazon Best Seller Rank 5,500 to 10,000 – selling 15 to 25 books a day.
Amazon Best Seller Rank 3,000 to 5,500 – selling 25 to 70 books a day.
Amazon Best Seller Rank 1,500 to 3,000 – selling 70 to 100 books a day
Amazon Best Seller Rank 750 to 1,500 – selling 100 to 120 books a day.
Amazon Best Seller Rank 500 to 750 – selling 120 to 175 books a day.
Amazon Best Seller Rank 350 to 500 – selling 175 to 250 books a day.
Amazon Best Seller Rank 200 to 350 – selling 250 to 500 books a day.
Amazon Best Seller Rank 35 to 200 -selling 500 to 2,000 books a day.
Amazon Best Seller Rank 20 to 35 – selling 2,000 to 3,000 books a day.
Amazon Best Seller Rank of 5 to 20 – selling 3,000 to 4,000 books a day.
Amazon Best Seller Rank of 1 to 5 – selling 4,000+ books a day


While things have changed, this is only figures given by someone to believed to be in the know, and we are dealing with a different category, it's something.