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Redgrave said:
KungKras said:
Sonic Xtreme.

Seriously, Sega had their entire platform in jeopardy and they couldn't get another team to make a 3D Sonic after the first team failed? Outsourced the final parts after Chris Senn got sick? Done SOMETHING?

I agree there. It may not have been able to match Super Mario 64 at the time, it may not have sold the Saturn, but the videos that are online show just how cool that game was/is and could have been.

There's also a big fan remaster project and finally, a public demo of Xtreme,

Sonic fans are such a loyal group, fantastic bunch of fans, through the beastiality and werehogs they're still there.

There are two Sonic fanbases. You have the early nineties Sonic fans, the ones who make cool retro remixes and stuff, and then you have the furries (late nineties onwards) :P