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I'm wondering why there are so many off topic posts, is it because of illiteracy, the biased op or both. The only way it is a "mistake" in SE's view is if they break even or loose money. Performance is irrelevant. It doesn't matter how the game performs it will sell. Quality is probably the third or fourth reason a person will buy a game, with performance consisting of a portion of that Which also means that those vying for a PC release because of the poor quality of an "early version" demo are really just using it to tout that PC > Console crap that no one but insecure people care about, especially when increasing performance will be the least likely reason for a possible port. The most likely obviously being money, in which case your gonna need modders to fix it for you, because if you do get a PC port its going to be a shitty one.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank