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AstroGamer said:
In my opinion, Log Horizon 1 > Log Horizon 2 = Last arc of SAO2 > GGO = 1st Half of SAO1 >That middle arc in SAO2>>>Rest of SAO1

my poor reception of SAO1 is that the writing in it is pretty poor. SAO2 also had production values go down from 1 but didn't suffer from as much writing issue. The author really shows his ideals in women in that first arc of SAO1 and last arc of SAO2 with SAO1's first arc having a cool premise and while having some issues with depiction of women, they were kind of standard Light Novel affairs. SAO's author seems to have this possessiveness over women that he causes the villain from the first arc to redeem himself by the second arc. The guy who trapped them in the video game for several months, causing many to die or be crippled and his only response was "I forgot" when he was defeated. The author views taking a guy's woman worse than killing hundreds of innocent lives. The middle arc in SAO2 was just boring and lacked any real reason to like the characters introduced and was kind of smaller scale than the issues in the earlier arcs. The last arc of SAO2 had some heartfelt moments and did have a sense of realism with that one character. Unfortunately, the lack of depth given to the other characters makes the arc lacking. Kirito is just a force, a proxy for the reader to help with their fantasies.

Log Horizon on the other hand, is a bit more of a thinking man's anime, using actually reasonable game mechanics and having the influence of economy. You don't particularly align with a single character but, the world. The world of Log Horizon feels designed, not just something concocted to fit with the plot. You could reasonable play this world as an MMO. The arcs are not just battles, but make you realize what would happen if the world became a videogame. The NPCs wouldn't simply be standing there, dealing quests,. They live actual lives and have independent personalities. The characters are not necessarily one-dimensional. Shiroe isn't a Gary Stu and relies on his guildmates to win and thinks in big strategy to solve their problems. He also isn't the focus every chapter. Second season highlights this even more with the most recent completed arc being all about the junior members of Log Horizon, exploring them, and an earlier arc being about Akatsuki developing her character. Girls aren't just trope-based characters waiting for the guys to save them, but aren't just man-haters either. The art isn't as pleasing as SAO but, it doesn't highly matter since SAO was exactly groundbreaking in gorgeous venues.

I suscribe TOTALLY to this opinion. I fully agree with this, and haven't been able to express it because I can't still write on English that well, my thanks!


And Yes I liked a lot second season of SAO, except for Caliburn arc the overall season was pretty well done on dialogs and script.


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