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d21lewis said:

THIS is why we needed Section 8: I was chatting with a young lady of a higher pedigree yesterday, when the conversation took a turn. We began talking about a woman's best friend, and God's gift to man: The douche. I won't go into specifics, but one thing stood out in my head. She said it felt good when she used it.

I went into my labratory (beneath my Porn Batcave) and began creating the invention that would change the world. I'm almost done with it. All I have to do is test the prototype. The douche for men.

I call it: THE DUDE-che


Really, it's just a fake vagina with "Axe" body spray in it. I figure it'll get the job done. Any buyers?

 Man that last part cracked me up :P How much will it cost ? If many gave out 600$ for a PS3 , people will pay goood $$$ for this :P

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!