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Mnementh said:
Puppyroach said:
What makes a game great is several things and a very subjective matter. It's most likely a combination of a number of factors. But a game can ha e crappy graphics, crappy music and no story, but if the gameplay is great, it can still be appreciated by many. Gameplay is a fundament that the rest relies upon and when a "game" becomes more of a semi-interactive movie, I loose interest quite fast.

it may still be a good movie ... but in reality it is very unlikely. And movies are a lot cheaper.

I agree. I remember when I first played a game by the name of Panzer Dragoon Saga. It came on four CD´s but was only about 15 hours long because of all the cinematics. If it hadn´t been for the utterly amazing gameplay, It would only have been a great story that you play through once. Thanks to the gameplay, it became an immersive experience that I went back to numerous times.