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Esiar said:

 Not full of hot air now, I'm actually calm.

"I honestly cannot fathom your selfishness."

I'd rather do other things than this. I'd be doing other things than this if I were selfish. I also wouldn't be advising you to help homeless people instea of playing video games if I were selfish.

"Who are you to tell anyone how to live their life"

You really need it considering you are justifying puttinf your entertainment over homeless people.

Full of hot air: Talking a lot, especially without saying anything of value or meaning.

Anyways, maybe selfish was a bad word to use. Narcissistic maybe. You are just so full of yourself that you think your ideology is the definitive truth and try to impose it on people. 

Like I said, until you tell me the purpose of life, you cannot tell me that I am wasting my time. You have shown that you cannot do that and therefore the claim that my time "should" be used elsewhere is ridiculous and shows that you don't really know what you are talking about. It takes a lot of self righteousness to adamantly claim to so many people that they should be living their life in the mold that you have decided...