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The Fury said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

The man's motives for killing them are irrelevant and subjective. The real debate is the reason this story wasn't covered by the mainstream.

As to my question early in the thread, so nicely answered by many people. Murder in the UK makes the news mostly, if it was by gun, it most certainly will. Yet we have a far lower homercide number (and rate) than the US. The man's motives do matter in the case of news coverage however, a crime of passion murder is probably less likely to make the news than a man killing someone people because of their faith.

I mispoke. I meant "What the media considered the man's motives to be and not what they actually were". We aren't talking about facts here we're talking about sensationalism. Because as far as the US news media is concerned, a crime of passion murder and killing someone because of their faith are basically interchangable, facts be damned.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank