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binary solo said:
Insidb said:
thedawghousev2 said:

lol come on now

Dact: If we use use MS' numbers the X1's 2014 sales are overtracked by ~200K on VGC.

In other words, the X1's sales totals for 2015 would have to be 0 units to account for MS's public statements.

Actually VGC's LTD at 3 Jan is not outside the realms of possibility compared to what can only be an estimate of XB one's lifetime shipments. There is enough uncertainty in the system that 10.99 millon is a reasonable LTD. It is sufficiently lower than a reasonable guess at LTD shipments that the number is believable. A higher number is nor really believable, but a lower number, is believable. However there isn't any verifiable evidence to indiacte a lower number is more believable than teh current number.

thedawghousev2 said:
by the way the xbox one is so overtracked

Statements like this add nothing to the discussion. Please at least use some rational arguments for your claim, even if it's just to quote someone else's arguments which support your opinion. Though it's less counterproductive than suggesting people are saying only Xb one is overtracked because they don't like Xb one, when at least for the last couple of weeks of sales data there is some evidence that Xb one might be overtracked, and people have talked extensively about that evidence.

Wii U holding up quite well in the USA. If only Europe would follow suit Wii U could look to have somewhat of an up year, and possibly exceed expectations (including Nintendo's).

do i really have to explain myself everytime